Blah, blah, blah
Somebody is insisting that I write something, but I really just don't have anything to say today so if this is dull & tremendously boring, it's not my fault:)
We're going to the Lego store tonight after work to check out what we HAVE TO buy on Black Friday for A's Lego store. For all your Lego purchases right from your very own living room - order here! Might as well plug huh?
My girl's being a real pill lately and A's getting majorly frustrated. He came from an Army family and his dad was a pastor and they (A & his younger brother) were disciplined with spankings and a paddle or belt. We on the other hand were never disciplined, maybe yelled at every once in awhile, or we'd get our arm grabbed tight enough to leave a mark but that was really about it. We were pretty good kids but I'm sure we coulda used more rules, boundaries, and punishments than we got. So when it comes to my girl, I do timeouts (which she's now outgrown) and take important things away like TV or play dates. But since the move she's been acting out and I find myself wanting to ring her neck. I know there must be moments when A wishes he had a paddle to use.
She loves A and is glad for the move-in and family feel we all have now, but I also know that even though she's not articulating it, this is scary for her. She now does not have me all to herself and she has 2 grownups telling her what to do all the time. The worst is when I tell her one thing and he tells her another 2 seconds later or sometimes we do it over each other without realizing it and then we don't know what to do. She'll ask a question and we'll both answer at the same time with 2 completely contradicting answers. Who should she listen to? Confusing!
So we're talking now about creating house rules and disciplinary actions so that we can be consistent and remain a strong front. This joint parenting thing is hard. I remember struggling with it w/my Ex. but it's been so long since I've had to consider another persons ideas on how to handle her that I'm kinda at a loss. Hopefully it'll all come together before she's ruling the roost!
Wish us luck on the Lego purchases we make this Friday. And pray we are in front of the lines and not in back:)
We're going to the Lego store tonight after work to check out what we HAVE TO buy on Black Friday for A's Lego store. For all your Lego purchases right from your very own living room - order here! Might as well plug huh?
My girl's being a real pill lately and A's getting majorly frustrated. He came from an Army family and his dad was a pastor and they (A & his younger brother) were disciplined with spankings and a paddle or belt. We on the other hand were never disciplined, maybe yelled at every once in awhile, or we'd get our arm grabbed tight enough to leave a mark but that was really about it. We were pretty good kids but I'm sure we coulda used more rules, boundaries, and punishments than we got. So when it comes to my girl, I do timeouts (which she's now outgrown) and take important things away like TV or play dates. But since the move she's been acting out and I find myself wanting to ring her neck. I know there must be moments when A wishes he had a paddle to use.
She loves A and is glad for the move-in and family feel we all have now, but I also know that even though she's not articulating it, this is scary for her. She now does not have me all to herself and she has 2 grownups telling her what to do all the time. The worst is when I tell her one thing and he tells her another 2 seconds later or sometimes we do it over each other without realizing it and then we don't know what to do. She'll ask a question and we'll both answer at the same time with 2 completely contradicting answers. Who should she listen to? Confusing!
So we're talking now about creating house rules and disciplinary actions so that we can be consistent and remain a strong front. This joint parenting thing is hard. I remember struggling with it w/my Ex. but it's been so long since I've had to consider another persons ideas on how to handle her that I'm kinda at a loss. Hopefully it'll all come together before she's ruling the roost!
Wish us luck on the Lego purchases we make this Friday. And pray we are in front of the lines and not in back:)
At 7:59 PM, Jennifer said…
This is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I am going to be laughing ....whith you...all day Friday....hey, I have to be at Children's Hosp so I deserve at least enough slack to have a laugh at you all lined up to buy LEGOS! Thank God for EBAY! LOL litterally!
At 4:10 AM, Jennifer said…
What she'll do for love....... man .......I am still laughing and it's 4am...... It's ok he seems worth it. : )
At 4:06 AM, Jennifer said…
Happy ThanksGiving Day!
At 4:11 AM, Jennifer said…
F**K it was about 4am when I was here last time.
zach is still up and I have to be at my sister's tomorrow. I like to wake up at 2pm and watch general hospital. I need to be shot! especially I like to wake up and make tea and watch it a little late so I can tivo through the commercials because I am so f**ked up. When I am rich I will think it's a luxury to wake up in the afternoon and have tea. Maybe i am the happiest I'll ever be........ Shoot me.....please??
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