LoLo's Loft

Friday, August 11, 2006

Giggle Fits

My little one came home last night after being on a trip with her dad for 10 days. I wanted to make sure we had some good quality time together before bedtime so we decided to continue playing the ongoing game of War we started over a month ago and never seem to finish.

We started to get a little silly and a little giggly as the game went on until at some point I had a mouth mishap when trying to tell her about my visit with one of our close friends and her little 6 mo. old boy. My words jumbled up and scattered out of my mouth in an odd array that did not make much sense at all. We both looked at each other for a second and then cracked up!

After that she tried to imitate my word scramble and couldn't get thru the first line without us both busting up, until eventually we were both rolling on the bed in fits of laughter. This lasted at least 30 minutes and I laughed so hard I cried.

It was wonderful!

I've had a pretty rough year. 2006 started off with a health scare, followed up by a surgery, a terrible birthday, a custody battle, and a whole lot of daily struggling just about every day in between.

I haven't laughed in... I don't even know how long.

So now I'm going to make sure that the rest of this year is full of silliness and giggle fits....

.... because the world magically looks much better today.


  • At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I can commiserate- my 2006 hasn't been so great either, tho I've left a LOT out of the blog. I'm glad you are taking time to enjoy the small moments, though.

    Thanks for stopping by the Tiny Kingdom!



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